The Action Learning Advantage

Build consistent progress for your organisation. A wellbeing approach for 2024.

Leaders and managers with wellbeing responsibilities often tell us about the challenges of establishing and developing a consistent approach to building resilience, adaptability and wellbeing across their organisations. That’s why we have designed this action-oriented approach to assist with many of the themes that we regularly hear, such as:

  • How do you build and maintain momentum in wellbeing projects and initiatives alongside handling a challenging operational role?

  • How can you engage a variety of stakeholders in ways that are meaningful and add value?

  • How do you tailor initiatives to meet the varied needs of your people?

  • How do you balance organisation and personal responsibility – where is that line and how do you manage it without losing your staff?

  • How do you ensure your managers have the skills and understanding to have the conversations that matter – even when the topic is difficult?

  • How do you ensure wellbeing sits at the heart of decision-making when there is increasing demand on people to “get the job done”?

  • How do you maintain focus and progress when the landscape we are all working in is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous?

Join us and work together with fellow wellbeing leaders on these and other challenges and questions for you and your organisation and use collaborative learning to ensure you move forward in 2024. Draw on the wisdom, challenge and support of your peers to progress what you need to take forward and explore whatever else may be coming up the track. Use the rhythm of regular meetings across the year to build accountability, grasp opportunities, overcome obstacles and celebrate your successes along the way.

Join the Oasis Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing (RAW) Action Learning Group 2024


Many organisations put in place a range of initiatives and approaches to wellbeing during the pandemic as a response to supporting their people. Now it’s time to take stock. What worked then may be different from what is needed now in this post-pandemic, hybrid world where the cost of living challenges continue and international events create even more uncertainty. This peer learning group for up to six people is ideal for those in organisations who are responsible for or contribute to:

  • leading the wellbeing agenda

  • developing wellbeing strategy

  • engaging the range of different stakeholders across the organisation and beyond

  • ensuring wellbeing projects and initiatives are designed to meet a variety of needs

  • integrating wellbeing into the wider culture of the organisation

  • horizon scanning to anticipate what may be coming up the track

Bring the questions and challenges that you are working with and work out next steps with like-minded people from different organisations. Come back and share your discoveries, your outcomes and what you want to work on next. The rhythm of the meetings will support you in keeping on track and the wisdom of the group will help you to work out what’s needed to move forward.


“I’m always interested in learning about the latest wellbeing research, tools and models that can help to improve people’s experience in the workplace, whatever their role may be. For me, the essential thing is to explore how the latest thinking can be applied in the real world – in organisations where people are juggling the pressures of day-to-day operational challenges whilst trying to create a culture where people feel supported and enabled to do their best work. That’s why I’m keen to support leaders and managers with wellbeing responsibilities to drive real change through this Action Learning approach.”

Your group will be led by coach and facilitator, Jane Bytheway, who has over 20 years’ experience bringing her unique blend of pragmatism, support and challenge to working with organisations and individuals in the arena of resilience and wellbeing. This has included leading the Oasis RAW Network (Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing) – facilitating a group of diverse peers to share learning and emerging good practice across a range of organisations. Working together with a group of peers reflects our belief at Oasis that building meaningful, open, informed and lasting relationships between people encourages resilience, adaptability and well-being for the whole organisation.


We will meet for half-day action learning sets at 6-week intervals between February and November 2024, with a blend of 5 face-to-face and 3 online sessions - see below for dates and location of each meeting.

  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30am - 1pm


  • 9.30 - 1pm


  • 9.30 - 1pm



The fee of £1195 +VAT covers the full year’s programme and includes refreshments when meetings take place at Oasis.

Places are limited to a maximum of 6 people. Are you ready to commit? Do you have any questions? Please email Jane at