Events & programmes
Upcoming events & programmes

Skills for Change (online), 4 half days 3, 4, 10 & 11 June 2024
4 half days 3, 4, 10 & 11 June 2024
ONLINE programme across 4 half day sessions – see below for timings.
This is the online version of the essential programme for equipping you with the communication and people skills to navigate working relationships and get things done. It is structured across 4 half days to fit in with your working week and allow space to try out your learning in between sessions.
In this experiential programme you will explore the Oasis Seven Stage Model to learn a powerful approach to building and maintaining effective relationships in the workplace. There will be quick, actionable learnings to take away that will build your confidence, help you to navigate difficult conversations and develop your skills and understanding of how to influence, support and give feedback to others.
Dates and timings
To complete the programme you will need to attend all four online workshops:
Monday 3 June 1pm – 5pm
Tuesday 4 June 9am – 1pm
Monday 10 June 1pm – 5pm
Tuesday 11 June 9am – 1pm
The fee is £395 per person, including programme workbook. Discounts are available for bookings of 2 or more places.

The RAW Network Winter Forum
The RAW Network Winter Forum
14 December 9.30am – 2.00pm including lunch
Meeting to share learning and emerging good practice. Exploring what Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing means in your organisation. What does it take to create a great place to work where people and planet flourish?
In this final Forum of 2023 we will celebrate achievements and consider plans for 2024.

Skills for Change (in person), 7 & 8 November 2023
Two days 7 & 8 November 2023
IN PERSON programme across two days 7 & 8 November 2023.
This ground-breaking foundation programme will give you the people skills to navigate change, improve management and performance - even in times of uncertainty.
As you explore the Oasis Seven Stage Model you will learn a powerful approach to building and maintaining effective working relationships.
This 2-day training takes place at the Oasis centre in Boston Spa. There will be quick, actionable learnings to take away and it will build your confidence, help you have difficult conversations, and create an understanding of how to influence, support and challenge others. These skills and frameworks will help you develop effective relationships for navigating change.
The fee is £395 per person, including programme workbook. Discounts are available for bookings of 2 or more places.
Skills for Change is also booked by organisations as an in-house programme – equipping everyone from new starters to long-term colleagues with the skills we all need to get things done by working effectively with other people.

RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) Workshop
RAW Network Explores… Neurodiversity in the Workplace
FREE 3 hour RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) workshop
Thursday 5th October 1.30pm - 4.30pm
About this event
So you want to learn about and be enabled to embrace neurodiversity at work?
This session will be led by a neuro diverse person with a successful 35 year career working in many different business sectors, the public and third sectors, in the UK and Internationally, and is an opportunity for you to:
Shed light on myths, misconceptions and concerns - and start to explore the gifts that neurodivergent people can bring if enabled to do so
Get clarity on what neuro diversity is - and isn’t
Start using straightforward and practical tools to help you make sense of it, and navigate the often different, complex and conflicting perspectives and available information - and media noise
Through this and many real and personal examples, and discussion with fellow participants, explore the “so what?“: What does neurodiversity at work mean in practice, to me and my organisation? What are some simple, realistic and practical steps we can take towards becoming more neurodiverse-inclusive?
Throughout, ask someone with lived experience any questions that you may have
Who is this for?
This in-person workshop is ideal for HR and People Services leaders and managers, business owners and those who hold responsibility for staff wellbeing within an organisation.
Thursday 5th October 2023
1.30pm – 4.30pm: Networking with refreshments from 1.30pm for a prompt 2pm start
Venue: Oasis School of Human Relations at Boston Spa, just 3 minutes off the A1 at J45
This session will be led by Jean-Marc Le Tissier, a trusted senior level advisor, creative thinking partner and coach, who is Neurodivergent.
Jean-Marc Le Tissier
After 14 years as a consultant for a big-4 consultancy, he set up his own business in 1998, specialising in bringing fresh thinking to business and organisational challenges.
Jean-Marc has made postgraduate and further studies in psychology, is a published author on organisational, project and change issues, and creative thinking at work, and has taught at business schools, including Warwick and Cranfield.
His clients include BP, Lloyds, Pwc, RBS, Vodafone, Arts Council of England, UK Home Office, and the Welsh Assembly Government.
Join us from 1.30pm for coffee and networking, ready for a 2pm start.

The RAW Network Summer Forum
The RAW Network Summer Forum
6th July 9.30am – 1pm
Meeting to share learning and emerging good practice. Exploring what Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing means in your organisation. What does it take to create a great place to work where people and planet flourish?

Leader as Coach, 26 & 27 June 2023
Are you thinking of becoming a coach? Are you a leader or manager who wants to unlock people's potential in your organisation? This course is your first step.
Leader as Coach is a practical, two-day management coaching course that introduces the core skills of coaching, designed for those who want to get started in coaching and leaders and managers who want to take a coaching approach at work.
On this two-day training course, you will gain:
· An understanding of the principles and practice of effective coaching
· A simple and impactful coaching model to use with confidence straight away
· An ability to use brilliant coaching skills like active listening, and how to ask great questions to have better, more effective conversations.
· An insight into the inner workings of the human mind and how to unlock great performance in others.
· Ways of working in a relationship that empowers others
· A coaching approach to leading and managing with impact
· Tools to liberate you from always having to have the answer!
All our training is very interactive. We don’t spend hours working through PowerPoint, but we do offer skilled facilitated learning and insights from years of coaching and training coaches. Alongside that, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try out what you are learning with others on the course and be coached yourself on a live issue. That way you experience how powerful coaching can be first-hand.
Individual pricing up to £700 with discounts available for multiple bookings and for the charity sector.
And you can book online HERE

RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) Workshop
Employee Health: What matters to men? What matters to women?
FREE 3 hour RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) workshop
Thursday 20th April 1.30-4.30pm
Attracting and retaining good staff is one of the core challenges of our times.
Supporting the health of your workforce brings many benefits to both employer and employee. Alongside the well-recognised benefits – including improved productivity and reduced sickness absence – evidence is now clear that staff value employers who care for their health. So what are the key health factors and how can you encourage staff to engage with them? What helps and what hinders staff engagement and motivation?
This in-person interactive workshop uncovers:
Key areas of men’s health to focus on
Key aspects of women’s health
Where men’s and women’s health matters align and where they differ
Together we will explore how to engage staff in addressing and working with health issues.
You will take away recommendations for staying healthy in the workplace – top tips for men and top tips for women that you can share within your organisation.
Who is this for?
This in-person workshop is ideal for HR and People Services leaders and managers, business owners and those who hold responsibility for staff wellbeing within an organisation.
1.30pm – 4.30pm: Networking with refreshments from 1.30pm for a prompt 2pm start
Venue: Oasis School of Human Relations at Boston Spa, just 3 minutes off the A1 at J45
Facilitated by wellbeing specialist Lucille Bleekers.
Join us from 1.30pm for coffee and networking, ready for a 2pm start.

Skills for Change, 2 & 3 March 2023
This ground-breaking foundation programme will give you the people skills to navigate change, improve management and performance - even in times of uncertainty.
As you explore the Oasis Seven Stage Model you will learn a powerful approach to building and maintaining effective working relationships.
This 2-day training takes place at the Oasis centre in Boston Spa. There will be quick, actionable learnings to take away and it will build your confidence, help you have difficult conversations, and create an understanding of how to influence, support and challenge others. These skills and frameworks will help you develop effective relationships for navigating change.
The fee is £395 per person for the two days, which includes a course handbook.
Skills for Change is also booked by organisations as an in-house programme – equipping everyone from new starters to long-term colleagues with the skills we all need to get things done by working effectively with other people.

RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) Workshop
Stress, distress and suicide - how to help people in your workplace
FREE 3 hour RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) workshop
Thursday 23rd February 1.30-4.30pm
Suicide is one of the last taboos – especially in the workplace
When your stress bucket creaks and overflows, you can feel out of control and completely overwhelmed. For some, those feelings of distress and loss of control can lead to thoughts of suicide.
In this in-person interactive workshop we will explore:
Factors that contribute towards an overfilled stress bucket
Signs that suggest the stress bucket is getting over-strained
How to talk about suicide and help others talk about suicidal feelings
And we will dispel some of the myths and misconceptions about suicide, which often hold us back from having the conversation.
Who is this for?
This in-person workshop is ideal for HR and People Services leaders and managers, business owners and those who hold responsibility for staff wellbeing within an organisation.
1.30pm – 4.30pm: Networking with refreshments from 1.30pm for a prompt 2pm start
Venue: Oasis School of Human Relations at Boston Spa, just 3 minutes off the A1 at J45
Facilitated by Oasis Associate and Samaritans Listening Volunteer Heather Barker
Join us from 1.30pm for coffee and networking, ready for a 2pm start.

Leader as Coach, 8 & 9 February 2023
Are you thinking of becoming a coach? Are you a leader or manager who wants to unlock people's potential in your organisation? This course is your first step.
Leader as Coach is a practical, two-day management coaching course that introduces the core skills of coaching, designed for those who want to get started in coaching and leaders and managers who want to take a coaching approach at work.
On this two-day training course, you will gain:
· An understanding of the principles and practice of effective coaching
· A simple and impactful coaching model to use with confidence straight away
· An ability to use brilliant coaching skills like active listening, and how to ask great questions to have better, more effective conversations.
· An insight into the inner workings of the human mind and how to unlock great performance in others.
· Ways of working in a relationship that empowers others
· A coaching approach to leading and managing with impact
· Tools to liberate you from always having to have the answer!
All our training is very interactive. We don’t spend hours working through PowerPoint, but we do offer skilled facilitated learning and insights from years of coaching and training coaches. Alongside that, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try out what you are learning with others on the course and be coached yourself on a live issue. That way you experience how powerful coaching can be first-hand.
Individual pricing up to £700 with discounts available for multiple bookings and for the charity sector.
And you can book online HERE

The RAW Network Winter Forum
The RAW Network Winter Forum
8 December 9.30am – 2.00pm including lunch
Meeting to share learning and emerging good practice. Exploring what Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing means in your organisation. What does it take to create a great place to work where people and planet flourish?
In this final Forum of 2022 we will celebrate achievements and consider plans for 2023.

RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) Workshop
Are you responsible for cultivating resilience and wellbeing in your workplace?
Are you doing the best for and getting the best from your people?
Discover how to cultivate healthy resilience and keep your organisation thriving into the future.
FREE 2 hour RAW (Resilience, Adaptability & Wellbeing) workshop
Wednesday 30 November 2022 10am - 12 noon
A FREE two hour workshop for business owners, HR leaders and those responsible for wellbeing in the workplace. Discover how to build morale, cultivate healthy resilience and keep your people and your business thriving into the future.
Get clear on what you need to prioritise to ensure you're one of the organisations with a strong, healthy and committed workforce. The workshop will be highly informative and give you an opportunity to reflect on what’s working in your workplace.
Explore and learn with other leaders from a variety of sectors facing similar challenges around implementing workplace wellbeing.
Join us from 9.30am for coffee and networking, ready for a 10am start.

Speak to be Heard
Public speaking with power and confidence
Learn how to create personal impact and use your voice to influence others.
On this intensive two-day workshop you learn how to build your confidence, increase your personal impact and manage the inevitable nerves that come from public speaking.
It’s fun, practical and participative. You’ll be learning from working actors and coaches who will help you find your authentic voice and use it to great effect.
“I came away feeling clear about what I need to practise and focus on in order to ooze confidence and be comfortable with my voice and presence. It was fascinating, interesting, reflective, inspiring and totally relevant. I would never have imagined you could make so much progress with self-confidence from a two-day course.”
Katherine Proctor, Building Services Manager, Yorkshire Housing
Finding our voice in a world full of big personalities and conflicting demands can be a challenge – one which if unmet by us can hold us back from reaching our potential.
We work with the different needs of each participant to ensure you understand what works for you. We provide a toolkit of practices, designed to enhance personal confidence and presence. The programme mixes easy-to-learn technical lessons from the world of performance with a Whole Person approach.
You will work in small groups and on your own, with expert coaching from acclaimed actor and international voice coach, Corinna Powlesland.
Co-facilitator Glyn Fussell blends years of experience in performing arts with developmental work with individuals, groups and organisations.
You will learn to speak and present with a new confidence that will sustain you when your nerves kick in. You will have more impact more of the time – in meetings, in presentations, in pitches, in life.
Individual pricing from £500.
Note: This programme is co-facilitated by Corinna Powlesland, an acclaimed professional actor. There is a small risk, because of her work in the theatre, that sometimes programmes may need to be postponed. In the unlikely event of this happening we will always let you know as soon as it becomes a possibility and look for alternatives that are mutually convenient.

The RAW Network Explores
The RAW Network Explores
12 October 2.00 – 4.00pm
Join RAW Network members and guest speakers as we explore: WORKING WITH GRIEF AND LOSS
Speaker-led session details to follow

The RAW Network Autumn Forum 12 October
The RAW Network Autumn Forum
12 October 9.30am – 12.30pm
Meeting to share learning and emerging good practice. Exploring what Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing means in your organisation. What does it take to create a great place to work where people and planet flourish?

Belonging in the workplace and EDI
Belonging in the workplace and EDI
Tuesday 12 July 2022, 10am-12pm – arrivals from 9.30am with tea / coffee for a prompt 10am start.
This 2-hour, FREE in person interactive workshop offers an opportunity to get to the heart of the matter – beginning to explore what it means to belong and how we can create spaces where people feel welcomed, valued and able to make the best use of their skills. The session will offer a brief overview of approaches to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work, followed by opportunities to reflect on and make plans towards addressing barriers to belonging.
This event is Facilitated by coach and consultant, Mo Ford, member of the core EDI Group at Oasis.

Skills for change in person 23 June
This is day two of the programme, which starts on 16 June.
The fee is £395 per person for the two days, which includes a course handbook.
Skills for Change is also booked by organisations as an in-house programme – equipping everyone from new starters to long-term colleagues with the skills we all need to get things done by working effectively with other people.

The RAW Network Explores 28 April
The RAW Network Explores 28 April
2.00 – 4.00pm
Join RAW Network members and guest speakers as we explore: CLIMATE CHANGE – WHAT CAN WE DO?
Climate change and becoming more sustainable are high on the agenda for individuals, teams, and organisations. There is no getting away from it that our ways of working need to change. And to lean into these high agenda items, we need all the resilience we can muster.
How do we regenerate, renew, and give back to the world?
Join us for a two-hour face to face exploration with leaders, managers and two guest speakers on aiming for net zero, net positive and being carbon neutral.
28 April 2022
2 – 4pm. Arrivals from 1.30pm with tea & coffee, for a prompt 2pm start at Oasis School of Human Relations, Hall Mews, Clifford Road, Boston Spa, LS23 6DT.
Its already time for action. We will dive into some of the big questions together – exploring and learning from each other. Questions such as “How can we be a force for good in the world?” “How can we pay attention to climate change and work in a more sustainable way?” “How do we invoke and harness the passion for this work and create real impact?”
Our two guest speakers both have powerful stories to share about how organisations are facing into climate change through making tangible differences to their ways of working.
How do we become more carbon neutral? You will hear Simon Hotchkin, Head of Sustainable Development from Betty’s & Taylor’s group on how they achieved carbon neutrality in their tea lines by 2019 through deep engagement with their suppliers and a genuine commitment to improve the lives of the tea pickers.
How do we get people on board? And from Carlo Giardinetti, Sustainability Lead for Deloitte Switzerland on how to ensure people in your organisation are bought into the change process involved in becoming more sustainable through net positivity. We will explore the concept of leading through the middle out and how this can help.

The RAW Network Spring Forum
The RAW Network Spring Forum
28 April 9.30am – 12.30pm
Meeting to share learning and emerging good practice. Exploring what Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing means in your organisation. What does it take to create a great place to work where people and planet flourish?