Wellbeing at Work
How do you create a great place to work?
We know it can feel overwhelming when it comes to workplace wellbeing – there’s so much to think about. Organisations are under greater pressure than ever to create and sustain a culture that supports employee wellbeing. Flexible working, globalisation, technology, the mental first aid movement and more recently the pandemic, have all paved the way for a much-needed review of ways of working:
What’s the right approach to hybrid / blended working for your organisation, your teams and your people? Fixed or flexible days for working from home? Flexible hours? Who has a say?
How do managers oversee both the productivity and wellbeing of staff they are responsible for? How do they take care of their own wellbeing?
How do leaders, managers and staff maintain and work through relationship when spending limited time together?
How do you create a culture where employee wellbeing is a lived experience rather than an aspiration that never gains traction?
To attract and retain valued employees and create an environment that sparks continuous improvement and innovation, the focus must be on employee wellbeing as well as profits. Employee wellbeing must sit at the heart of organisation culture.
Use our RAW Organisation Framework to evaluate where you are and to help you work out what is needed next to develop a sustainable approach to resilience and wellbeing. Let us help you work with the real issues of employee wellbeing with our range of consultancy services in Yorkshire.